Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The day Giftmas and TV tag teamed to crush my spirit

Growing up we did not have the luxuries afforded to others. The other children in the neighborhood had fancy toys and large screen TVs. All we had were cardboard boxes that dad brought home from work. If we were lucky he would also bring us packing foam, that is until Timmy ate a box full and had to rushed to the hospital. Timmy had a way of ruining all our fun.
We use to cut the boxes and tape the together to make a TV so big it the other children jealous. Then the "over active" children would play football in it. The rest of us just imagined we watching the big game. Oh those were great times.

Every year at Giftmas my Uncle Wendy(his parents never liked him) would come over and tell us stories of his "wonderful life." They were the best stories that we had ever heard. We just could not get enough. It was not truly Giftmas without good old fashioned Wendy's stories.

There was one about the time he wish he was dead. An angel came to show him what life would be like without him. He told us of the one Giftmas where all he wanted was a Red Rider Air Rifle and the trouble he through to get it. There was the time when he and an old army buddy had a famous act in show business. One year they went up to Vermont where they meet their old general, who is down on his luck. Of course my Uncle and his buddy cheered him up. Then there was the time he hosted Giftmas at his house. That one is my favorite.

It had everything from blinding lights to crazy attacking squirrels. His strange but lovable cousin stopped by and ended up kidnapping Wendy's boss. A cat got burned while feasting on it's dinner of bulb on a rope. Oh the hi jinks ensued.

Well Uncle Wendy moved on to greener pastures in Kansas and we never heard from him again. With such loss we did what anyone in our potion would do. We bought a TV. What I saw shook me to the bone. On every channel there we one of Uncle Wendy's stories. I could not believe my eyes. I felt so betrayed. How could someone do such a thing to a poor innocent child like myself. I cried that night like never before. The night I learned that......TV had stolen my Uncle's life.

1 comment:

steveandjanna said...

Sweet fancy Moses!